Bloggers, Vloggers, Space Enthusiasts, Science Societies, and Amateur Astronomers are encouraged to actively promote space science and education, as well as climate change initiatives, by organizing space-related and environmental events in their communities
As Space Ambassadors, these volunteers will have the opportunity to inspire and engage the public, raising awareness about the importance of space technology and its impact on addressing global challenges like climate change.
General Guidelines
- Bloggers, vloggers, sky/space watchers, amateur astronomers, students, science societies, space hobbyists, STEM educationists etc are eligible to participate in Space Ambassador Contest.
- You can conduct different space related activities online or physical from 04 to 10 Oct 2024 only.
- After successfully conducting the event(s), upload the event report on given template supported with pictures/videos and social media/electronic media/press coverage by 25 October 2024 for evaluation.
Rules of the Contest
- Science societies, astronomical societies, space enthusiasts are eligible to compete for the ‘Space Ambassador Contest’.
- A brief summary of the activities conducted on “Space & Climate Change” along with pictures and videos must be shared on public Facebook page with the hashtag #SpaceandClimateChange, #WSW24 and #WSW24Pakistan.
- Entries shall be judged on the basis of participation, ambiance, innovative idea, print/electronic/social media coverage and thematic relevancy, primarily based on the report and pictorial evidence submitted to SEAD.
- All photos/media content must display a background containing SUPARCO, SEAD and WSW theme and your organization Logo.
- The decision/judgment will solely be the responsibility of SEAD and will be final, subject to no objection whatsoever.
Submit Report
Download Post Event Report Format below and submit by clicking link